(D A N I S H)   S U R N A M E   D A T A B A S E
The database is based on the mormons International Genealogical Index. It consists of aproximately 1.300 name files listed below covering on a rough estimate 130.000 events, i.e. births/christenings and mariages. The files may be downloaded from What you get are ZIP-files which have to be unarchived into IGI-files. IGI-files are plain ASCII files which may be looked on with a text browser or an editor. They may also be printed out with the DOS command PRINT. Even better you may use the program IGI255 version 4.5 which is found on many BBS's and on the homepage mentioned above.

This database is maintained by:
 Luk dette vindue Jens Raunkjaer Graungaard
Parkvej 63
DK 4140 Borup
+45 57 52 21 81